Barker College Chemistry Department
Past HSC Chemistry Questions
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2001 - Q1
Ethylene may be converted into (poly)ethene).
What type of reaction is this?
(A) Condensation
(B) Hydrolysis
(C) Oxidation/ reduction
(D) Polymerisation
2001 - Q3
Which equation best represents catalytic cracking of a petroleum fraction?

2006 - Q1
Which is the main industrial source of ethylene?
(A) Ethanol
(B) Glucose
(C) Petroleum
(D) Polyethylene
2007 - Q1
Which of the following is a renewable resource?
(A) Ethanol
(B) Uranium
(C) Petroleum
(D) Aluminium
2009 - Q6
Bromine, Br2, dissolves in unsaturated hydrocarbons and reacts immediately. Which of the following is the best description of this process?
(A) Bromine is polar and reacts by adding bromine atoms across the double bond.
(B) Bromine is polar and reacts by substituting hydrogen atoms with bromine atoms.
(C) Bromine is non-polar and reacts by substituting hydrogen atoms with bromine atoms.
(D) Bromine is non-polar and reacts by adding bromine atoms across the double bond.
2010 - Q6
The diagram shows a section of a polymer.
What is the systematic name of the monomer?
(A) Polybenzene
(B) Benzylethene
(C) Ethylbenzene
(D) Ethenylbenzene

2010 - Q11
An organic liquid, when reacted with concentrated sulfuric acid, produces a compound that decolourises bromine water.
What is the formula of the organic liquid?
(A) C6H12
(B) C6H14
(C) C6H11OH
2011 - Q11
Which compound can form when bromine water reacts with propene?
(A) 1-bromopropane
(B) 2-bromopropane
(C) 1,1-dibromopropane
(D) 1,2-dibromopropane
2012 - Q2
C2H4 → X → polymer
Which of the following compounds is represented by X in the flowchart?
(A) Cellulose
(B) Ethanol
(C) Glucose
(D) Styrene
2013 - Q9
A portion of a resin made from acrylic acid (CH2=CHCOOH) is shown.
Which type of reaction results in the formation of this polymer?
(A) Addition
(B) Condensation
(C) Dehydration
(D) Esterification

2013 - Q13

2002 - Q17 (3 marks)
Explain why alkanes and their corresponding alkenes have similar physical properties, but very different chemical properties.
2002 - Q16 (6 marks)
You have carried out a first-hand investigation to compare the reactivity of an alkene with its corresponding alkane.
(a) State the name of the alkene (1 mark)
(b) Outline the procedure to compare the reactivity of this alkene with its corresponding alkane (2 marks)
(c) Describe the results obtained from this first-hand investigation and include relevant chemical equations. (3 marks)
2005 - Q16 (5 marks)
During your practical work you performed a first-hand investigation to distinguish between an alkene and the corresponding alkane.
(a) Name the alkene used in your investigation. (1 mark)
(b) Identify a potential hazard in your investigation, and outline how you addressed this hazard. (2 marks)
(c) Outline the procedure you used for your first-hand investigation. (2 marks)
2004 - Q17 (5 marks)
The structures of two commercially significant monomers are shown.
(a) Identify the common name of ONE of the monomers. (1 mark)
(b) The uses of polymers are dependent on their properties.
Discuss this statement with reference to a polymer made from one of the above monomers. (3 marks)
(c) Draw the structure of a polymer made from one of the above monomers. (1 mark)

2006 - Q20 (7 marks)
Analyse why ethylene is such an important starting material for the chemical industry. In your answer, include relevant chemical equations, and a description of new materials and fuels that can be prepared from ethylene.
2007 - Q26 (4 marks)
Explain how the structure and properties of polyethylene and polystyrene relate to the way each is used.
2008 - Q16 (5 marks)
The process of fractional distillation is used to separate crude oil into different fractions. One of the compounds obtained from fractional distillation is C10H22.
This compound undergoes catalytic cracking as follows:
C10H22 → C8H18 + C2H4
(a) Complete the table below to identify the products and the homologous series to which they belong. (2 marks)
C8H18 C2H4
Name of compound
Name of series.
(b) Using examples from your first-hand investigation, explain how you distinguished between these two series of compounds. Include a relevant equation in your answer. (3 marks)
2009 - Q19 (6 marks)
Outline the chemical and physical processes involved in the production of ONE of the following from a natural raw material:
• a polyethylene bottle
• a polyvinyl chloride pipe
• a polystyrene cup.
Include relevant chemical equations in your answer.
2010 - Q24 (4 marks)
In the margarine industry, alkenes are often hydrogenated to convert unsaturated oils into solid fats that have a greater proportion of saturated molecules.
(a) Using ethene as an example, write an equation for this reaction and state the type of reaction this represents. (2 marks)
(b) Describe a test that could be used to confirm that all the ethene has been converted. (2 marks)
2012 - Q22 (3 marks)
A student created the following models to demonstrate a chemical process.
(a) What is the chemical process being modelled? (1 mark)
(b) Why are models such as these useful? (2 marks)

2015 - Q25 (7 marks)
(a) Describe the steps involved in the process of addition polymerisation. (3 marks)
(b) Explain the uses of polyethylene and polystyrene in terms of their structures and properties. (4 marks)
2014 - Q4
Which of the following equations correctly represents catalytic cracking of a petroleum fraction?

2014 - Q5
Which row of the table correctly matches the reactant and the product of an addition reaction?

2016 - Q1
What is the name of this compound?
(A) Styrene
(B) Ethylene
(C) Chloroethane
(D) Vinyl Chloride

2016 - Q4
Which row of the table correctly identifies an application of polystyrene and the reason for its suitability for that application?
Application Reason for suitability
(A) Shopping bags Rigidity
(B) Shopping bags Flexibility
(C) Screwdriver handles Rigidity
(D) Screwdriver handles Flexibility
2016 - Q15
The table lists some properties of the straight-chained carbon compounds W, X, Y and Z

2016 - Q17
A polymer has the following structure.

2017 - Q7
Three test tubes were set up as shown.
Bromine water was added to X and Y in the absence of UV light. Which of the following best represents the changes in test tubes X and Y?