Barker College Chemistry Department
Past HSC Chemistry Questions
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2001 - Q28 (c) (5 marks)
Explain why sulfuric acid is an important industrial chemical. Include balanced chemical equations in your answer.
2003 - Q30 (a) (4 marks)
(i) Identify ONE use of sulfuric acid in industry. (1 mark)
(ii) One of the starting materials used for preparing sulfuric acid is sulfur.
Describe the process used to extract sulfur from mineral deposits. (3 marks)
2003 - Q30 (e) (6 marks)
Assess how environmental issues have been addressed in an industrial method of production of an acid, and an industrial method of production of a base.
2002 - Q28 (c) (5 marks)
(i) Use a chemical equation to describe what happens when sulfuric acid is added to water in a laboratory. (2 marks)
(ii) Describe the use of sulfuric acid as an oxidising agent, as a dehydrating agent and as a means of precipitating sulfates. Use chemical equations to illustrate your answer.
2004 - Q28 (a) (4 marks)
(i) Identify a safety precaution used when diluting concentrated sulfuric acid. (1 mark)
(ii) Many of the steps in the Contact process for the manufacture of sulfuric acid are reversible equilibrium reactions. Identify ONE of these reactions and describe how the product yield can be maximised. (3 marks)
2005 - Q28 (a) (4 marks)
(a) Sulfuric acid is an important industrial chemical. One of the intermediate products in the synthesis of sulfuric acid is H2S2O7.
(i) What is the name of H2S2O7? (1 mark)
(ii) With reference to the properties of sulfuric acid, describe safety precautions necessary for its transport. (3 marks)
2009 - Q27 (a) (6 marks)
Sulfuric acid is one of the world’s most significant industrial chemicals because of the variety and importance of its uses.
(i) Identify the major use of sulfuric acid. (1 mark)
(ii) Outline the industrial process for the manufacture of sulfuric acid from its raw materials. (3 marks)
(iii) Account for the safety precautions associated with the industrial transport of sulfuric acid. (2 marks)
2006 - Q29 (d) (7 marks)
The diagram summarises the steps in the Contact process.
(i) Identify the starting material, X, for the first step in the Contact process. (1 mark)
(ii) Outline the chemistry involved in the conversion of sulfur trioxide to sulfuric acid. (2 marks)
(iii) Justify the conditions you would use to maximise the rate and yield of the second step in the Contact process. Include a balanced chemical equation in your answer. (4 marks)

2013 - Q32 (e) (7 marks)
There is often a compromise between maximising yield and minimising the environmental impact of industrial processes.
Justify this statement with reference to the production of sulfuric acid.
2008 - Q29 (a) (6 marks)
The following diagram illustrates the process used to extract sulfur from underground deposits.
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(i) Copy and complete this table in your writing booklet to identify which fluid is pumped through each pipe. (2 marks)
Pipe Fluid
Pipe 1
Pipe 2
Pipe 3
(ii) Explain why this process can be used to extract sulfur. (2 marks)
(iii) What possible environmental issues are associated with this process? (2 marks)
2012 - Q34 (c) (5 marks)
(c) The production of sulfuric acid is shown.
S(s) --> SO2 (g) --> SO3 (g) --> oleum --> H2SO4 (l)
(i) Describe the production of oleum and its conversion to concentrated sulfuric acid. Include chemical equations in your answer.
(ii) SO3 can react with water to produce a solution of H2SO4. Why is it essential to convert SO3 to oleum before the formation of H2SO4?
2014 - Q32 (a) (3 marks)
This diagram illustrates some of the properties of sulfuric acid.
Explain, with reference to the diagram, how sulfuric acid should be transported.

2016 - Q31 (a) (5 marks)
The diagram shows a method used to extract sulfur from an underground sulfur deposit.
(i) Identify the substances travelling through pipes A and B. (2 marks)
(ii) Explain how the properties of sulfur allow it to be extracted using this method. (3 marks)