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Conquering Chemistry

Conquering Chemistry

Recommended textbook

Thickett textbook

Thickett textbook

Supplementary textbook - NOT required. More detailed theory.

BOSTES HSC Chem syllabus

BOSTES HSC Chem syllabus

2U Chemistry HSC Syllabus

HSC verb analysis

HSC verb analysis

Chemistry Data Sheet

Chemistry Data Sheet

KISS Notes

KISS Notes

Keep It Simple Science Chemistry supplementary notes (Doc Access)

CSU HSC Online

CSU HSC Online

Online resource

Alan Wong

Alan Wong

Student study notes

Board of Studies

Board of Studies

NSW Board of Studies website - You can access past exam papers, INCLUDING notes from the marking centre which you should most definitely have a look at.

BOSTES Online Multiple Choice

BOSTES Online Multiple Choice

BOSTES Multiple Choice tests

BOSTES Exemplar Answers

BOSTES Exemplar Answers

Band 6 through 1 example answers for the 2001 HSC exam

App Store

App Store

Excel HSC Chemistry Quick Study Guide - Great study card summaries that you can bookmark and add notes to.

iUnderstandHSC podcasts

iUnderstandHSC podcasts

The same as you can access for free above but as an iPhone/iPod/iPad app. Has searchable chapters and dot point text with click through

AHA Education

AHA Education

The whole BOSTES NSW HSC syllabus. All dot points. Every experiment. It’s all there! 3 subjects. 174 lessons. 161 videos. 174 quizzes. 68 interactive activities.



Learn an HSC Subject in under 10 hours: video tutorials

Top Marks Education

Top Marks Education

Free Online Q & A from past high performing Barker students

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